Golden West Weight Loss
Tucson, Arizona
(520) 792-1966

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Tid Bits: Bananas are America's #1 fruit. The average American consumes over 28 pounds of bananas each year.
Food Exchanges

Within each group, these food servings can be exchanged for each other. You can use this list to give yourself more choices. To make exchanges work, pay attention to how much of a certain food equals one exchange.

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Food Servings Exchanges

Food Exchange US Unit Metric Comments
Starches 80 Calories 15 g Carbohydrates, 3 g Protein, 1 g Fat
  • bread
  • breads, reduced calorie or "lite"
  • tortilla
  • pretzels
  • cooked cereals
  • dry cereals, unsweetened
  • dry cereals, sweetened
  • dry flour or grain
  • pasta
  • rice
  • corn
  • popcorn (hot air popped or light)
  • potato, mashed
  • baked sweet or white potato
  • squash, winter
  • cooked beans, peas, lentils
    (add 1 meat exchange)
1 slice
2 slices
1 (6")
4-6 (3/4 oz)
1/2 cup
3/4 cup
1/2 cup
3 Tbsp
1/2 cup
1/3 cup
1/2 cup
3 cups
1/2 cup
3 oz
1 cup
1/2 cup
1 slice
2 slices
1 (15 cm)
4-6 (20 g)
125 ml
175 ml
125 ml
45 ml
125 ml
80 ml
125 ml
720 ml
125 ml
85 g
250 ml
125 ml
  • If you are hungry, eat more fresh or steamed vegetables.
  • Most starches are a good source of B vitamins
  • Choose whole grain foods such as 100% whole wheat bread, pasta, tortillas, and brown rice, etc. for nutrients and fiber.
  • Combine beans (starch & meat) with grains (starch) for their complimentary proteins and fiber
  • Combine grains (starch) with milk (milk) or cheese (meat) to compliment proteins.
Vegetables 25 Calories 5 g Carbohydrates, 2 g Protein
  • raw vegetables
  • cooked vegetables
  • tomato or vegetable juice
1 cup
1/2 cup
1/2 cup
250 ml
125 ml
125 ml
  • Choose more dark green leafy and deep yellow vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, carrots, and peppers.
Fruit 60 Calories 15 g Carbohydrates
  • fresh fruit
  • melon (cubes)
  • canned fruit
  • dried fruit
  • fruit juice
1 small
12 oz (1 cup)
1/2 cup
1/4 cup
1/2 cup
1 small
360 g (250 ml)
125 ml
60 ml
125 ml
  • Choose whole fruits for fiber
  • Choose citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, or tangerines
Meat & Substitutes
35-145 Calories
7 g Protein, 0-13 g Fat
  • meat, poultry, fish
  • cheese
  • cottage cheese
  • egg
  • peanut butter
  • tofu
  • cooked beans, peas, lentils
    (add 1 starch exchange)
1 oz
1 oz
1/4 cup
1.5 Tbsp
4 oz (1/2 cup)
1/2 cup
30 g
30 g
60 ml
22 ml
115 g (125 ml)
125 ml
  • Choose leaner meats such as chicken, fish, and lean cuts of meat; add fat exchange for higher fat meats and substitutes.
  • Remove skin from poultry.
  • Limit frying or adding fat.
  • Have 2 servings of fish per week for Omega 3 fatty acid.
Milk 80-150 Calories 12 g Carbohydrates, 8 g Protein, 0-8 g Fat
  • milk
  • yogurt
1 cup
1 cup
250 ml
250 ml
  • Choose lower fat milks; add fat exchange for higher fat milk.
Fat 45 Calories 5 g Fat
  • oil
  • mayonnaise
  • cream cheese
  • salad dressing
  • peanuts
  • avocado
  • butter or margarine
1 tsp
1 tsp
1 Tbsp
1 Tbsp
1 tsp
5 ml
5 ml
15 ml
15 ml
5 ml
  • Eat less saturated fat such as animal fat found in fatty meat, cheese, and butter. Also eat less hydrogenated fat and trans-fatty acids.
  • Consume mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fat
  • Check Nutrition Facts on food labels; 5 g Fat = 1 Fat exchange.
Sweets Calories vary 15 g Carbohydrates, Protein & Fat varies
  • ice cream
  • cookies
  • syrup
  • jam or jelly
  • sugar
  • pudding
  • muffin or cupcake
1/2 cup
2 small
1 Tbsp
1 Tbsp
2 Tbsp
1/4 cup
1/2 small
125 ml
2 small
15 ml
15 ml
30 ml
60 ml
1/2 small
  • Choose sweets sparingly because they are high in fat and/or sugar.
  • Can be substituted for a 1 Starch, Fruit, or Milk exchange.
  • Add 1 or 2 Fat exchanges for sweets containing fat.

Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome:

Monday, December 2, 2024